About Us

Learn more about our mission, values, and history. Find out what makes Tap 256 unique and why we’re passionate about pool.

Our Mission

At our start-up pool league Tap 256, our mission is simple: to connect, have fun, and support + grow with the community. We’re passionate about creating a community where everyone can come together to enjoy the thrill of playing pool while fostering connections and growth. Whether you’re a seasoned player or a beginner, we welcome you to join our league and become part of our vibrant community.

Our Values

At Tap 256, we value the power of the local community and connection. We believe in having fun, sharing a cold beer, and cheering each other on. Our league isn’t just about playing pool; it’s about building relationships, networking, and sharing laughs. We strive to create a welcoming, inclusive environment where everyone can feel at home and enjoy the experience. We believe that sportsmanship and kindness are essential components of any game.

While we love a bit of healthy competition, we also recognize the importance of treating each other with respect and compassion. We value players who display good sportsmanship, whether they win or lose. We encourage our members to be supportive of each other, to help build each other up, and to foster a sense of camaraderie that extends beyond the pool table. We believe that by promoting sportsmanship and kindness, we can create an environment where everyone feels valued and supported, and where everyone can have fun playing the game they love

Our History

Tap 256 may be a start-up, but our roots run deep in the community. Several members of our league have been playing pool in the community for over 30 years, and we’re proud to carry on this tradition. We believe in giving back to our community, which is why we give away local gift cards and other cool prizes each week. Our goal is to continue to build on this legacy while creating new memories and experiences for our league members.